NHPCA continues to work on helping our neighbors fight against COVID-19. Some volunteers have distributed face masks and hand sanitizers to our neighbors last week. We also posted on Facebook NHP local community group asking people to come to Chef Wang’s parking lot 11:00am-1:00pm to pickup free face masks, hand sanitizers and gloves if they need them. Thank you all for your generous donation and volunteerism at this critical time
Month: March 2020
Free Protection Materials for the NHP Neighborhood
NHPCA continues to work on helping our neighbors fight against COVID-19. Some volunteers have distributed face masks and hand sanitizers to our neighbors last week. We also posted on Facebook NHP local community group asking people to come to Chief Wang’s parking lot 11:00am-1:00pm to pickup free face masks, hand sanitizers and gloves if they need them. Thank you all for your generous donation and volunteerism at this critical time!
Apply PPE
Support our social workers
While people are social distancing and staying at home to fight against COVID-19, we are ever more dependent on our postal workers. While NY is allocating resources to our hospitals and doctors, it’s also important to make sure that postal workers have the necessary equipment and resources to protect themselves. That is why the New Hyde Park Chinese Association has raised $12 thousand dollars that went towards the purchase of gloves, hand sanitizers and face masks. We want to thank all our donors and hope that this contribution makes our postal workers feel safer in these critical times.https://nhpca.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/img_0439-1.mov
NHP 特殊情况防护用品申请表
Help our Mailmen
在我们保持社交距离之际,邮递员却走在千家万户的的第一线。然而他们没有像医生医院那样得到关爱和资源。他们没有足够的防护措施。所以我们新海德公园华人协会代表全体村民华人以及华人协会会员,约好周五中午12:00 向New Hyde Park 邮局赠送1万2千只手套,7箱洗手液及口罩。谢谢大家支持。下一步工作我们会及时更新。
New Hyde Park updates
COVID-19 Donation
现在纽约的疫情发展很快,我们Nassau county 疫情也日渐严重。在中美外交也令我们华人雪上加霜家,我们不仅面临疫情的威胁,防护物品严重短缺,社会治安保障,甚至还有种族歧视言论。中国疫情之初,我们大家捐款捐物,几乎买空所有口罩支援中国。现在疫情烧到我们自己身边,可问题是我们的医护工作者,警察,消防员,社区工作者,邻居大都没有了口罩。为了我们华人的形象,也为了我们自身的安全,我们还要继续团结一致,共克难关,因为这里才是我们的家园。希望大家有口罩的捐口罩,没有口罩的捐钱。捐款请quick pay Nhpca.org@gmail.com,
所有的捐款都适用501.c 减税条件。我们接受定向捐款和普通公益捐款。定向捐款可以100%(包括公司捐款额外的match)转到捐款人指定的医疗机构或个人。普通公益用于购买合格正规来源的口罩,我们分发给New Hyde Park 的医生,护士,医务工作者,消防员,以及我老外邻居朋友们,尤其是老人。我们老外朋友没有防范意识,他们没有我们的经历和防范意识。远亲不如近邻,邻居安全,我们华人才能安全。请大家伸出援助之手,在帮助邻居的同时,也改善华人形象,还可以消除种族言论。谢谢。 新海德公园华人协会致谢