
皮膚科的問題涉及眾多學科,在各科里是重中之重。 美東華人皮膚科醫生質量參差不齊,良莠互現。 某些個別醫生的專業狀態更是一言難盡。 這裡重點推薦一下魏華臣醫生。魏醫生山東人,家族都是學醫。魏醫生MD, PHD. 是Mount Sinai 的終生教授(該校唯一華人終生教授)。 魏醫生是華人皮膚科醫生中的翹楚。 可以約見一下。 當然其他醫生(含中醫師)也可以多方諮詢一下,比較比較。 魏醫生的網上信息這裡推一下:

「Dr. Huachen Wei, MD, PhD
New York, NY
112 reviews
Huachen Wei, M.D., Ph.D., MSPH, F.A.A.D., is a tenured Professor of Dermatology and Oncological Sciences, the Director of Dermatology Research Laboratories at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Wei obtained his medical degree from Shandong Medical University in 1982, his Master from Beijing Medical University in 1986, and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Environmental Oncology from New York University in 1992. Dr. Wei served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham from 1992-1995, and joined the Mount Sinai Hospital as an Associate Professor in 1995. Meanwhile, he passed United States Medical Licensing Examination, and completed his internship in Medicine and residency in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital. He was promoted to a tenured Professor of Dermatology in 2003(魏华臣皮肤科医师 Huachen Wei MD718-445-6000 42-35 Main St #38b, Flushing, NY 11355)